You are: Check your Site
The web can be a very confusing experience.
In part, because of the amount of information the web unloads or the rumours about its almost infinite opportunities. If you go seek advice from your web designer, it's getting even more confusing.
So you decide to stay inside your familiar environment and start looking inside the art world.
Much to your surprise, you land in almost an opposite story.
It's rather cherry picking to digg up information to nourish your site. What you pick up, read, hear is mostly well... gossip. Moreover, because of its characteristics, the art gallery world staggers behind the rest of the web.
Sandwiched while you want to break out, change, join what's happening, be seen. But where do you start? What is fluff? What is valuable? What is obsolete and what is paramount?
You are fully aware the art gallery world changes rapidly. And at the rate at which the web innovates, you can be sure there is a new challenge waiting every single week too. I fully understand you are sometimes near frustration.
You are at a quiet spot. No need to feel torn between where you're now and all the chances the web has on offer. There is something you can do. Or better, a lot you can do before every thing else, based on a plan that will give you a solid basis if you want to progress.
If you have already strolled through the articles section or the consulting options you will have noticed that this site is set up to become a refreshing information spot for private gallery professionals.
Next to these services, the information products aim to offer a extra opportunity to set off on the right foot once you decide to fine-tune your web presence.
In my experience there's only one way to progress and make change happen: base yourself on facts and figures.
This is why all information products are always set up as touchstones: reliable, objective, thoroughly detailed reports to offer you superior quality information.
Yes, your gallery's site is part of the puzzle too. It's even the only piece of the information puzzle you control 100%.
If you don't come up with reliable, top quality information, how can art professionals possibly seize the importance of your roster, program and gallery? And furthermore, if you want your web presence to grow, you need to be able to measure how it succeeds right now, how you get your information across.
To meet this need, you can opt for an in-depth scan of your gallery site's performance and presence.
Such a 'reality check' is no less than a starting point: where to focus your efforts, how to identify what you need to do first and determine what opportunities are surprisingly just one step away.
You already know that most of the web advice you find for private art galleries is incomplete and all too often 'coloured'. To counter this lack, there is only one way out: put all the pieces of the puzzle together in an overview and learn how other galleries succeed to cope with their web opportunities.
I have one suggestion before you continue. Take the time to get familiar with the extent of the reality check and chart for yourself what this detailed audit can generate as an immediate return for your site's efficiency and performance.
Luuk Christiaens
P.S. You are most welcome if you send me your suggestions, questions or remarks.