You are: On your Own
An overwhelming amount of information has been published in the last decade about all aspects of the arts market. I know of few sectors that became so hyped and mediatised in such a short time.
Art enthusiasts, collectors and art professionals alike are taken in by the rollercoaster style of communicating what's happening, topped by a number of popular books revealing the contemporary art world to outsiders.
The reality behind the scene may be different, still these publications have a great deal of influence on the people's perception of the contemporary art scene.
Even if you prefer to stay far away from the buzz, this media-intensive approach has become an integral part of the day-to-day communication on art and you should follow it with interest for two reasons. Partly because this is what new art enthusiasts read and how they approach art galleries. But mainly because there are some interesting lessons in this way of presenting and writing about the art market and the art world in general. So yes, some of the materials presented here will be 'non-professional'.
The major aim of this selection is to offer you complementary material on aspects that are directly related to the scope of the Art Gallery Hub:
You will not find books on artists, books about artistic movements or art theory, etc. This is a whole different department. Neither will you find only new publications because I do believe in the 'know your classics' approach. From the standard works of web specialists such as Jacob Nielsen, Stephen Krug or Gerry McGovern to biographies of some legendary art dealers such as Joseph Duveen or Edith Halpert, Betty Parsons, etc. who are at the origin of today's contemporary art market.
If you feel like sharing some of your findings, please do. You are most welcome if you suggest books, articles or tools. Don't hesitate to contact me. I don't expect you to follow me into my reading routine. Moreover, I read all kinds of materials with no predefined plan. So from time to time there will be some interesting discoveries that proved to be real sources of inspiration and well-worth sharing.
Ready to discover the latest selection of books, brochures or tools?
Luuk Christiaens
P.S. Feel free to comment or ask me any additional information. I will be glad to help you.