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What bugs you?

Does anything on this page hinder or even irritate you?

I would love to know. Nothing is unimportant, too small or too big.

If there is something I can fix, I will certainly do it.

Please let me know right away



Web marketing aids you should invest in


SurveyMonkey surveys tools

Find out what your visitor thinks about your gallery's site

Developer: SurveyMonkey




To be updated


Surveys offer almost unlimited opportunities to feel the pulse of your site.





logo W3C Validator Suite

How professional is your web designer?

Developer: World Wide Web Consortium




The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) offers you high-end information, but above all some quality tools to guarantee you that the source code (or mark up) of your gallery's site comes error free and perfectly viewable in all major browsers such as their W3C Validator Suite service.

The W3C Validator Suite already comes with many extra options and features to validate specific content such as your CSS code. Soon they will add capabilities to check for accessibility, compatibility, and optimisation.

Once your site's source code is validated, you can be sure your site is topnotch for spiders and browers alike.

Before the W3C Validator Suite service was launched, checking your site's code on W3C was free. When you sign up you still get 20 free page validations. Since a lot of the errors and warnings that come up via validation are linked to the same initial glitches, you can go a long way for free.





Consistency from Sciral

To keep things going, you have to keep up the rhythm

Developer: Sciral




Keeping up the rhythm is all about consistency. Easy said, less easy to fulfill.

And this is what Consistency from Sciral offers all the way: a gentle assistant to help you with the goals you have set with yourself.

With a special twist.


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Google alerts is the easiest way to gather less-known information, the Art Gallery Hub

Discover how well your artists and your gallery are represented on the web and beyond

Developer: Google Inc.




Google alerts works much the same way as your search engine. The search commands follow the same codes and syntax, but it offers a major plus: Google alerts works in the background and scans the entire Google universe 24/7 for the search you enter.

This way it often comes up with information you would never find, especially in the blogosphere where a lot of art enthusiasts are particularly active.


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Crazy Egg reveals every single move of a visitor on a gallery's site

Does your visitor act precisely as you planned?

Developer: ACS




Crazy Egg offers you a great tool to understand how each individual behaves on your site.

It comes with two extra features: Heatmap and Confetti.

Heatmap is great because it reveals in a glimpse the "hot" zones where people click most. If these happen to be the wrong spots, you know what to correct as soon as possible!

Confetti displays all the spots where people click on a page in little colour coded dots. Each colour refers to a given parameter thanks to the linked referrers.


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More interesting resources?


Check here for books related to the profession and a detailed study on the opportunities for contemporary arts, a.o. private art galleries in the United Kingdom, a sure source of inspiration for private contemporary art galleries worldwide.



Luuk Christiaens